The Gratis X1 Is The World’s 1st Electric Jet Ski


When you think of taking gas-alternative vehicles, there are plenty of electric cars to satisfy your interests. Regardless if you are just tech savvy or if you actually care about the environment, electric cars are accessible nearly in every major city, but when it comes to watercraft transportation, the idea of watercraft and electric vehicles don’t quite seem like good ideas. That is until now, Free Form Factory has done the unfathomable, they are the first to design a very quick and portable jet ski that not only looks cool but it doesn’t run on gas. The Gratis X1 all-electric stand-up personal watercraft is now available for pre-order now at $17, 990.

Because the Gratis X1 doesn’t need any fuel, you can expect that the motor inside will be much quieter than the common gas-operated jet ski’s available. With this motor, riders can drive for about 45 minutes on a single charge (there is an extended battery pack you can purchase to run the motor for a whole hour). As seen in the video above, you can easily charge it with any standard 110V outlet (or a propane generator). It is a bit pricey, but once you notice that the upkeep costs are lower since you won’t have to pay for fuel to burn, you’ll be a proud owner for years to come just like current electric car owners. Plus you’ll be saving the planet while riding the waves.

